


来源:http://www.longyuejiancai.com/ 时间:2023-06-14 浏览量:0
石英砖是市政设施中常用的一种路面建筑材料。 它是通过筛分,成型,干燥和高温烧结陶瓷原料制成的。在传统的城市发展中,城市公共区域或居民区的人行道设计大多使用透水性差的铺路材料,从而导致雨水透水性差。在这方面,雨水可以通过透水性铺路渗透。
Quartz brick is a commonly used road construction material in municipal facilities. It is made from ceramic raw materials through screening, molding, drying, and high-temperature sintering. In traditional urban development, the design of sidewalks in urban public areas or residential areas mostly uses paving materials with poor permeability, resulting in poor rainwater permeability. In this regard, rainwater can penetrate through permeable paving.
空气中积聚的水可以沿着石英砖渗入地面,并减少城市涝灾带来的危害。那么,石英砖的特点是什么? 石英砖的特殊颗粒结构和消耗过程的透水性是普通透水铺路材料的3倍以上,每分钟可快速渗透60kg水,减轻了下水道的负担,并防止了城市的内涝,同时,防止地表干旱,改善植被生态环境。
The water accumulated in the air can seep into the ground along the quartz bricks and reduce the harm caused by urban waterlogging. So, what are the characteristics of quartz bricks? The special particle structure and consumption process of quartz bricks have a permeability of more than three times that of ordinary permeable paving materials. They can quickly penetrate 60kg of water per minute, reducing the burden on sewers and preventing urban waterlogging. At the same time, they prevent surface drought and improve the vegetation ecological environment.
Quartz bricks are sintered at a high temperature of 1300 ℃. The products of outdoor quartz brick manufacturers are made by melting the physical components between particles and then cooling them. The strength is usually greater than 45Mpa and can be used for paving. The porous nature of quartz bricks allows rainwater to quickly penetrate and store a large amount of rainwater, which can evaporate under sunlight, thereby reducing surface temperature and alleviating the "heat island effect" of cities. At the same time, the vegetation became more lush.
Due to the excellent anti slip properties of the particle structure on the surface of quartz bricks, and the timely infiltration or storage of rainwater in permeable bricks, there is no accumulated water or ice layer in rain or snow, so that people can walk safely after snow. Quartz bricks are resistant to aging, do not fade, have a frost resistance value of -25 ℃, have high cold resistance, and also have corrosion resistance. Even when encountering strong acids or bases, their quality will not change.
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