1. Construction process
The cast-in-place grass planting floor belongs to the overall structure of on-site casting, which is formed in one go, making construction convenient and fast;
Grass planting bricks belong to the prefabricated type, and they even need to undergo long-distance transportation before being paved, which inevitably leads to damage and requires on-site paving, which is time-consuming and laborious.
2. Infrastructure construction
The cast-in-place grass planting floor requires a crushed stone layer as the foundation, which is compacted and leveled with graded crushed stones;
Grass planting bricks require multi-level treatment of the foundation before construction, which is labor-intensive and time-consuming.
3. Carrying capacity
现浇植草地坪属于整体性结构,且之间穿插钢筋强化,承载能力达到 60T,且不会引起不均匀塌陷;
The cast-in-place grass planting floor belongs to the overall structure, and reinforced with steel bars interspersed between it, with a bearing capacity of 60T and no uneven collapse;

Grass planting bricks belong to a dispersed block structure, and there is no overall connection between the bricks. They have poor load-bearing capacity and are prone to uneven collapse, with occasional occurrence of potholes.
4. Ecological function
现浇植草地坪本身就是一种生态产品,其硬化面积小,空隙较多,积水可以很好的下渗。且基础层为级配碎石层,更有利于地面径流转化为地下径流,补充地下水。其独特的模具曲面结构可以大大的扩大绿化植草面积,绿化率高达 75% 以 上(草体养护优良的情况下可达 100% 绿化)自然效果显著, 水土保持功能卓越;
The cast-in-place grass planting floor is itself an ecological product, with a small hardening area and many gaps, and the accumulated water can penetrate well. And the foundation layer is a graded gravel layer, which is more conducive to converting surface runoff into underground runoff and supplementing groundwater. Its unique mold surface structure can greatly expand the greening and grass planting area, with a greening rate of over 75% (up to 100% greening when the grass body is well maintained), with significant natural effects and excellent soil and water conservation functions;
The hardened area of grass planting bricks is large, and the central grass planting area is mostly hardened soil. Rainwater cannot seep down, and severe water accumulation is not conducive to groundwater replenishment. The embedded grass planting structure disrupts the continuity of the grass body, and most grass planting cannot survive, greatly reducing the greening rate.
5. Application field
现浇植草地坪可以应用于公园道路、消防通道、急救车道、庭院绿化、水(路) 护坡、绿色排水沟渠、停车位等等方面;
Cast-in-situ grass planting flooring can be applied to park roads, fire exits, emergency lanes, courtyard greening, water (road) slope protection, green drainage ditches, parking spaces, and other aspects;
植草砖大多仅应用于轻型车位铺装,且 大多是小面积铺设。
Grass planting bricks are mostly only used for light parking spaces and are mostly laid in small areas.
6. Cost reference
The cast-in-place grass planting flooring is simple to lay, saves labor and time, and has a relatively low cost;
Planting grass bricks involves many links such as transportation, paving, and infrastructure construction, which is labor-intensive and labor-intensive.
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