The construction of highways, municipal roads, and other roads cannot be separated from the use of curbstones, commonly known as curbstones, curbstones, curbstones, etc. According to the basic requirements for road laying, the actual material of curbstones can be divided into cement curbstones and stone curbstones.
Compared to traditional stone curbstones, in order to avoid waste of natural resources, cement concrete is generally used to prefabricate and pour curbstone molds. The types of curbstones mainly include:
1. Cement curbstones are laid on green belts and roadside edges (boundary stones of prefabricated concrete used to mark road boundaries or road edges), used to reasonably regulate highway construction and the role of slag and soil retaining. Generally, drainage ditches are laid on their edges for drainage to prevent road surface water.
2. Cement paving stone, a concrete curb stone with a top surface that is level with the road surface, has the function of demarcating the road surface range, neatening the road appearance, and protecting the edges of the road surface. Generally, it is constructed in combination with cement curbstones, and the laying angle is at right angles to the cement curbstones. In projects with drainage ditches, the flat stones are also used as trench covers.

3. Cement shoulder stones are commonly used between urban road lanes and sidewalks, mainly for collision prevention and transportation convenience.
Shoulder stone
The above types of cement curbstones can be processed using specialized machinery such as a curbstone grinding and polishing stripe machine for secondary processing to achieve a stone like effect, which not only brings convenience but also increases the appearance and aesthetic effect.
Definition of cement curbstone:
Using cement and dense aggregates as the main raw materials, precast paving stones are poured by vibration, compression, or other methods that can achieve equivalent efficiency, and laid on the road edges, edges, road boundaries, and drainage curbs.
Specification of cement road edge stones: According to their structural shape, they are divided into straight road edge stones and curved road edge stones. Straight road edge stones are divided into H type, T type, R type, F type, P type, RA type, and special type according to their cross-section. The specifications and models of irregular shapes are generally determined through consultation between both parties.