


来源:http://www.longyuejiancai.com/ 时间:2023-06-10 浏览量:0
The installation of permeable bricks is very important. Before paving permeable bricks, it is necessary to carry out ground leveling, compaction, drainage design, and other work. If the bottom layer is not compacted properly or the drainage design is unreasonable, it will affect the drainage effect of permeable bricks. Therefore, during the installation process, construction personnel are required to strictly follow the design drawings for construction, and acceptance is required at every stage of construction to ensure that every detail meets the standard requirements.
The surface cleaning of permeable bricks is one of the important tasks of routine maintenance. Due to the large number of pores on the surface of permeable bricks, it is easy to accumulate dirt and debris. If not cleaned in a timely manner, it will affect the permeability and aesthetics of permeable bricks. Therefore, the surface cleaning of permeable bricks needs to be carried out according to specific circumstances. Normally, cleaning can be done with clean water or pressure. For stubborn stains, professional cleaning agents can be used for cleaning. It should be noted that cleaning agents containing acid and alkali components should not be used during the cleaning process to avoid corrosive effects on permeable bricks.
The maintenance of permeable bricks also needs to pay attention to the impact of seasonal changes. In summer, high temperature weather can easily cause cracks on the surface of permeable bricks, leading to a decrease in permeability. Therefore, in summer, it is necessary to reduce vehicle pressure and pedestrian flow to avoid excessive damage to permeable bricks in hot weather. In winter, if a large amount of snow is not cleared in a timely manner, it will have a significant impact on the drainage performance of permeable bricks. Therefore, it is necessary to clear the snow in a timely manner to ensure the normal drainage of permeable bricks.
The damage of permeable bricks is another focus of routine maintenance. During use, permeable bricks may be damaged or peeled off, which not only affects the permeability effect but also poses safety hazards to pedestrians and vehicles. Therefore, during the maintenance process, it is necessary to regularly check the use of permeable bricks, and promptly repair or replace problematic permeable bricks to ensure their normal use. It should be noted that when replacing permeable bricks, materials that are the same or similar to the original materials should be selected to ensure that the permeability and aesthetics of the replaced permeable bricks are similar to those of the original permeable bricks.
In summary, the routine maintenance work of permeable bricks includes installation, surface cleaning, seasonal maintenance, and damage repair. Only by doing these tasks well in daily use can permeable bricks ensure their long-term, stable, and effective drainage, anti slip, and shock absorption functions.

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